Climate Risk on the Rise: Actuarial Index Hits New High in 2023

The Actuarial Climate Index (ACI) has been updated with data through November 2023, showing a slight increase in the five-year moving average to 1.20 compared to the reference average of zero (1961-1990). This index measures extreme weather conditions and sea-level changes in Canada and the United States.

The previous update in August 2023 showed an average of 1.15. Since the summer of 2018, this average has exceeded 1 each quarter. For autumn, the index varied from 1.23 in 2019 to 1.70 in 2021, reaching 1.42 in 2023. An increase in the index indicates a rise in extreme weather events and sea level.

The ACI was launched in 2016 by four North American actuarial organizations.

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